This was created as a group project for FMS 110 at ASU.

Reviews, art, comics, and videos by Fixer Sue. A "Fixer Sue" is a character inserted into a story to repair problems seen in the plot line. Usually used by fan-fiction writers to force their one true pairing, I use it to describe what I do in reviews: I don't just say that something could be better, I say how it could.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
Mass Effect 2: Log 2
- Begin Log 2 -
Hoo boy this game picks up in speed after a bit.
It'd be shorter simply to list what happened, then possibly going into detail.
Hoo boy this game picks up in speed after a bit.
It'd be shorter simply to list what happened, then possibly going into detail.
- Recruited Tali'zora Vas Normandy, an engineer
- recruited Grunt, a Krogen tank-bred warrior
- Recruited Thane, an assassin
- Got the loyalty of all but my newest crew member Thane.
Three bullet points, that took me about 12 more hours this weekend.
Don't get me wrong, it's fun, but time consuming. It takes half an hour to do a mission, and half an hour to do side stuff to prep for it. And I did a lot of missions...
I'll say it again incase it wasn't clear in the first log: I do not like Cerberus, the organization you work for in the game. Not only are they in a very dark gray area of morality, it feels like the game is trying to say they are the good guys, when I emphatically disagree.
Want to know my morality within the game? It's rather simple: Don't risk lives unnecessarily, look for peace rather than a fight at all times, and humans are boring so go with the aliens. That and take the paragon option all the time; but that's usually because it falls within that paradigm. I will sometimes take the "renegade" option (not actually red text, just the one that gives points) when it actually does fall under the purview... such as telling Tali that I will help her reclaim her homeworld from the Geth.
(Geth are robots with AI for those not knowledgeable about the Mass Effect world. Though I am somewhat curious if we can negotiate with them...)
But anyway, back to Cerberus. seems like every time I turn around they're doing something shifty. Sending me and my team into an obvious trap just to get some data on the collectors, hiding information from crew members, and running a facility where they kidnap children to experiment on them to enhance biotic powers.
As a side note, I have a series in the works that has a major plot revolving around an institution that kidnaps and tortures children to advance their abilities in controlling light and darkness. Has nothing to do with the Mass Effect story, and the people that come out of it are very different from Jack.
Anyway, dislike for Cerberus aside, I know I only have two more people to recruit before my team is full (minus a DLC character...). Once my team is complete, everyone is loyal, all my upgrades are full, and my level is maxed, I will then be ready for whatever waits for em in the "suicide mission."
I'm hoping to bring everyone back alive, even Thane who is technically dying already.
But, before that, there is the obvious mini-mission within the series... the romance subplot.
In Mass Effect, you cna forma relationship with one of your crew members. Men can romance Miranda and Tali, while women can romance Garrus and Jacob.
Since my character is a woman, and I find Garrus to be badass, I went with pursuing him. No offense to Jacob, I just find humans boring. That and he's Cerberus, and me no-likey Cerberus.
Garrus is fun to talk to and romance; he's so calm and happy on the battlefield, but even mention sexy-times and he becomes a stuttering nervous mess. Much more interesting character. That and he also has a list of fun places to fight in, which includes antique stores. He's fun.
The only other option I might've gone with is Mordin, because I like motor-mouthes. And he sings a variation of "I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General."
He is not allowed to die. Ever.
There are still a number of missions to do before the game is over... But I'm thinking I'll do two play throughs. Next time with an infiltrator class. I may also do a more "Captains Log" style posting about their adventures...
But, this is it until I play another round.
- End Log 2 -
The only other option I might've gone with is Mordin, because I like motor-mouthes. And he sings a variation of "I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General."
He is not allowed to die. Ever.
There are still a number of missions to do before the game is over... But I'm thinking I'll do two play throughs. Next time with an infiltrator class. I may also do a more "Captains Log" style posting about their adventures...
But, this is it until I play another round.
- End Log 2 -
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