When it comes to award shows like the Oscars or Golden Globes, animation gets no respect. Here is the thinking process for choosing which animated movie will be the winner:
1. Is it a Pixar movie? If so, then they win, unless the title is Cars 2, in which case they lose.
2. Is the film arty? If Pixar doesn't win, they do.
3. If there is nothing else, then pick something out of a hat.
The Golden globes named Brave as the winner, much to my surprise (and even the surprise of the winner). My first review was of Brave, because I viewed that film as having so much potential but having it squandered... But as of late my dislike of the film has rather turned to hate. The film is full of pointless slapstick, the main character is wholly unsympathetic, and is Brother Bear recycled with women in Scotland. Am I the only one who still watches movies for their story? Am I the only one still able to accept the reality presented to us? Why do I always feel like I and my close family members are the only ones who care at all about animation?
First, the list of nominations... it's like the golden globes threw every animated movie into the list in order of release, without regard for quality. They put Hotel Transylvania on the list (Adam Sandlar. That should explain enough), but neglected Paranorman. And don't assume it's because the movie is about gross zombies, 'cause Frankenweenie was on the list (technically came after Paranorman, but I have a feeling that the committee chose between them, rather than placing Paranorman in Hotel's place). Beyond those three, Wreck-It Ralph, which is high on my list of best animated movies, and Rise of the Guardians, which is a fantastic Dreamworks film, were also on the list.
This was my order of likely-hood for winning:
1. Wreck-it Ralph
2. Rise of the Guardians
3. Frankenweenie (heard it was good, can assume it's better than the girl who poisoned her mother.)
4. Brave (better than Sandlar at least.)
5. Hotel Transylvania
And, much to my extreme shock, the story in which a girl poisons her mother because she is a rebellious spoiled princess brat wins over the absolutely fantastic Wreck-It Ralph, with some of the best Characters and story-lines I have seen in an animated movie...
They had to not be thinking or caring. Brave did not deserve the golden globe, even if Pixar improved their system so that her hair is more than just a block (they still can't get away from making the characters look ridiculously smooth... If you're going to do that, at least make them stylized like in Rise of the Guardians.)
I don't have just this instance to back me up either... Kung Fu Panda 2 came out the same year as Cars 2 and Rango. Kung Fu panda 2 I absolutely love, and has made me a true fan of Dreamworks. It seemed like a shoo-in for the oscar, since Rango didn't do all that well (and upon watching I realized it was just flat out awful). What's better, Cars 2 didn't even get nominated, much to my joy (it had me believe the people in charge weren't morons). But, surprise surprise... Rango won. Just because it is artsy.
There is a common term in the film-industry, known as "Oscar bait." It refers to movies that are obviously aiming hard for the awards. Granted, they are often good movies, but the term is loaded, since it also means begging to the academy, rather than just making a good movie. It is a bit harder to attribute such a thing to animated films, since they are intended for a younger audience, and a lot of Oscar Bait movies will be rated R, or LYKAH for leave-your-kids-at-home. But, then again, maybe animated movies don't need to be Oscar bait... They just need to be released by Pixar.
*sigh* one of two things will happen come the summer... Either Monster University will get the reviews I'm expecting, and people will realize that Pixar is not the paragon it used to be and will stop kissing their ass and propping them up, or Monster University will prove me entirely wrong and I'll gladly welcome Pixar back into the fold...
Given that Steve Buscemi is returning as Randal, there is a possibility... If Randal is played sympathetically and we see why he grew to hate Sully. If he is played like the villain again, there is zero hope.
Animation gets no respect...
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